LEGO Bouquet of Roses
The LEGO Icons Bouquet of Roses is a buildable flower bouquet for adults. The set includes pieces to create a dozen red roses and baby’s breath, showcasing roses at different bloom stages. It’s a low-maintenance home decor item, perfect for gifting or a mindful solo or group building project. The set is part of the LEGO Botanical Collection, designed for relaxation and adult builders.
- Buildable Home Decor Flower Bouquet – Indulge yourself or join friends and family for a mindful project with the LEGO Icons Bouquet of Roses building set for adults
- Blooming Buds – The LEGO Icons Bouquet of Roses building kit depicts roses captured at various stages of flowering, including 4 roses in full bloom, 4 blossoming and 4 in bud
- Artificial Flower Display – Add a splash of color to your home or office with this zero-maintenance bouquet of roses
- Holiday Decor Idea – Celebrate a birthday or any special occasion, or surprise a loved one with a gift designed for adult fans of LEGO building sets, home decor and flowers. Makes a great gift for women – girlfriend, wife, mother, and grandma
- Part of the LEGO Botanical Collection – Discover a space for relaxation with the wide range of LEGO construction sets designed specifically for adults
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