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Geeks Empire

3 Of The Worst Car Designs Of 21st Century

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    I wish I was joking about these worst car designs! These cars are real. And yes designed and built in 21st century. Imagining what goes into brain of that designer and then all marketing, supervisors were approve of this product make it even funnier.

    The Worst Car Design Award Goes To; Covini C6W

    “If it was a good idea, someone else would’ve done it already.” As boardroom-wall-motivational-poster slogans go, FOTC will admit this doesn’t have quite the go-get-’em-tiger zing, of, say, “if you can dream it, you can do it”, or “life begins at the end of your comfort zone”. But sometimes a bit of self-doubt, no bad thing. Take, for example, the case of the C6W, the six-wheeled supercar from Italian firm Covini Engineering.

    3 Of The Worst Car Design Of 21st Century

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    Chevrolet SSR

    The SSR’s body was a Dali-esque fever dream from almost every angle, and its performance proved as laboured as its design: despite packing a 5.3-litre V8, the weighty SSR struggled to break eight seconds for the 0–60mph run. Oh, and it cost $42,000 at launch.

    3 Of The Worst Car Design Of 21st Century

    Youabian Puma

    The Youabian Puma was a vehicle. It was 20 feet long and eight feet across. It weighed 3.5 tonnes and had a folding hard-top. Somewhere in its midst resided the remains of a Volvo C70.

    3 Of The Worst Car Design Of 21st Century