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How To Be Efficient and Productive? | 4 Simple Guides

    How To Work More Productive & Efficiently?

    • Set deadlines for each of your tasks.
    • Break projects down into smaller tasks.
    • Work around other people.
    • Work within ultradian rhythms
    • Find an accountability partner.
    • Silence your inner perfectionist.

    How To Do Multitasking Successfully?

    • Set yourself realistic goals. Taking on too much at once can cause unnecessary stress and worry.
    • Give yourself enough time to complete your goals. …
    • Write lists.
    • Prioritise your tasks. …
    • Plan your week day-by-day. …
    • Group tasks together where possible. …
    • Work at a steady pace.
    • Avoid distractions.

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    How To Be Efficient & Productive? | 4 Simple Guides
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