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The Best Android Application For Multitasking and Productivity | Floating Multitasking Master

    Best Android Application for Multitasking should meet some critical criteria. It should tackle the key steps that prevent users to get the task done quickly.

    We should be a Multitasking Master for today’s busy life. ⚡
    While we cannot do anything about how fast the time flows, we still can control how we manage it. Being more productive helps us to live full capacity.

    Even when we work with several applications, there are many small actions that may affect our time management. Time is much more valuable for us to spend it in switching among apps!

    Busy Woman / Mom Multitasking Cooking, Cleaning, Studying, Working

    In Reality We Don’t Have Several Hands

    In reality we don’t have several hands (not more a pair!) to perform several tasks simultaneously. And lots of our devices, gadgets, software not designed for Multitasking either.

    You Can Not Multitask With Lots Of Taps & Swipes & Clicks. It Can’t Be Done!

    5 ways how women can be more productive in virtual offices

    Our User Experience Engineers found out there are at least 4 steps to switch between two applications. Check if this scenario is familiar for you…

    • 1️⃣ You should leave the current app,
    • 2️⃣ (Open a Toolbar/Open AppsDrawer/Open a Folder/Swipe Between Pages/Draw a Gesture),
    • 3️⃣ Find the app through messy indexes &
    • 4️⃣ Finally click on the app to open it… 💤 🙄
    • (Besides you have to remember a position or specific gesture & It limits you to a box)

    You do these actions many times per day with different applications without releasing how much time you are wasting.

    ⚠️ Google Translate should translate a word while reading an article. checking the monthly bill need a calculator application at the same time and … . Do you have any solution to save these times?

    Shortcuts are created for this purpose, but they are not enough to rescue the times. You only see them on the home page. They make the screen crowded and unorganized. Also, you still have to make several actions to switch among apps.

    There is a great solution for these problems; Having shortcuts of applications floating…!

    ⚠️ Can you chat on WhatsApp, search on Google and prepare work report in Office Word simultaneously? No. Of Course Not!

    If you can do that you certainly become a Multitasker Master! Multitasking will help you to save more time.

    How Does This Application (Float It) Helps You?
    Float It makes Floating Shortcuts of all applications to have a quick access to use them and open applications in Floating Windows.

    Let’s go back to the first problem. The Zoom is open and the keep note icon is floating and ready to open and taking note!

    What About the Second Issue?
    Also, Float It help you to search on Google, type in Word Office and chat in WhatsApp at same time.

    In this example, you’ve created Floating Shortcut of these three applications. By tapping on each shortcut it will open in a floating window. These floating windows are moveable in free form and resizable easily.

    How Does It Work? (It Works So Easy & Quick)
    First Step… Open Float It application and Click to create Floating Shortcuts of applications. That’s It! 😎

    One Click Solution | Best Android Application For Multitasking

    Click On A Floating Shortcuts to Open Other Apps Immediately 🆒 😎

    You can select your Applications or Games to create their “Floating Shortcuts” in different sizes. Then you can click once to switch among them.

    Float It Overview | Floating Shortcuts Section

    ⚡ Heavy Multitasking | Extended Float It

    Heavy & Next level Multitasking is when you just don’t want to click and switch! you want some applications be there until you don’t need them.

    Imagine editing some video for your instagram account & also want to read some article about what you are posting. You need both browser, video editing & instagram app.

    Multitasking Productive FloatIt Twitting Editing Video
    Reading On Browser & Editing Video Clips

    It is possible with Float It Application too. You can open applications in Floating Windows Mode directly from Floating Shortcuts.