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Natural Green Spaces Literally Make You Happier and Healthier | Spend More Time In The Wilderness

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    Green Spaces Literally Make You Happier and Healthier… Spend More Times In The Nature.
    Frequently spending time in green spaces like parks and gardens could help reduce prescription drug use.

    If you’re lucky enough to live next to a verdant meadow or picturesque woodland, views of these places from home don’t appear to have the same effect. There was no association between prescription medication use and the number of green and aquatic spaces available to people. It’s getting out and spending time there that makes a difference.

    Wilderness not only heal your mental issues, It heals your body.
    The study participants were quizzed on the medications they were on, as well as how many “green and blue” (natural environments on land and near lakes, rivers, and oceans) spaces they could see from home, how often they took in those views, and how often they spent time or exercised in them.

    Compared with less than one weekly visit, three or four visits a week were associated with 33 percent lower odds of using mental health meds, 36 percent lower odds of using blood pressure meds, and 26 percent lower odds of using asthma meds.

    Those respective figures drop by 22 percent, 41 percent, and 24 percent respectively for at least five visits per week. The links still held when household income and education were factored in, but accounting for BMI (Body Mass Index) did weaken the associations.

    However playing with colors can improve your health. It can effect your vision and prevent color blindness.
    Helps players to train their brain to recognize illusions.
    Take this game for example called; ‘Hue To Hue
    It changes and moves colors and your have to pick correct colors gradient that shows you.
