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Geeks Empire

Multitasking usually refer to the concept that one can split their attention on more than one task or activity at the same time, such as speaking on the phone while driving a car.
Or developing software using 2 -3 Programming Languages on different projects. Playing music while designing something.

It can also apply to usage of smartphone, tablet. Users who use several applications in the same time and switch them quickly can be considered as Multitasking.
That’s why in laptops which more powerful computer than a smartphone you can open lots of applications simultaneously.

Apple, Google also working for similar experiences. Having Floating Applications means open apps like on Windows or macOS in a floating window. This allow users to use them and switch them quickly. This is what Floating Multitasking means. Fluid experience of switching apps, moving them around and resize them.


Next Level Of Floating Multitasking

Float It; Multitasking Master is an Android application for creating Floating Applications, Floating Windows, Floating Widgets.