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Geeks Empire

One Train Away From Aurora – Overnight Train Takes You Straight To The Northern Lights

    One Train Away From Aurora is a trip you can take from Stockholm to Abisko National Park. Located about 150 miles north of the Arctic Circle, Abisko is one of Sweden’s northernmost settlements. Its clear skies make it a dream destination for aurora seekers.

    For travelers on the 17-hour train from Stockholm to Abisko, there’s a shared goal— seeing the northern lights. The small town, about 150 miles north of the Arctic Circle, is one of Sweden’s northernmost settlements and has some of the clearest skies in Europe, a golden ticket for aurora hunters. The village’s unique microclimate produces a “blue hole” phenomenon, or sky-clearing jetstreams that increase the chances of aurora sightings.

    A couple of tour operators run daytime excursions from Abisko, including ice fishing, ice climbing, Sámi cultural experiences, moose spotting, and photography tours around neighboring Norwegian fjords. 

    But the activities don’t stop after hours. At night you can spot the Milky Way and other dark sky phenomena from your hotel window or head to remote areas of the village, such as Lake Torneträsk Pier, for a guided tour. “We don’t have much light pollution,” says Niklas Hjort, the manager of Abisko Mountain Lodge. “You can just open the door and look out and see the northern lights.”
