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Benefits Of Playing Games On Smartphones and Tablets

    One thing is clear, playing video games is beneficial for health. Contrary to popular belief, playing video games is known to provide certain health benefits such as reducing depression, relieving stress & anxiety, and even creating a feeling of well-being. Mobile video games have become very popular in the past decade and there is enough evidence and research work available to support that video games are beneficial for health.

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    Playing To Enhance Wellbeing

    Mobile games also enhance well-being. They keep users busy and allow them to escape from stress, anxiety, and worries. Mobile games keep the users fully engaged since these games require full concentration and engagement. These games have different ways by which they keep our brains engaged and also help in the development of different cognitive abilities. These games help to train our minds to focus, think faster and according to situations, improve our problem-solving abilities and also allow us to think flexibly by thinking out of the box if required.

    All of these are very important skills that one also needs in real life. Mobile games exercise all these skills on a regular basis which improves our mind’s well-being.

    Benefits Of Playing Games On Smartphones & Tablets

    Boosts Multitasking Abilities

    Improving the ability to efficiently perform daily tasks, and finish more than one of them at the same time is one of the most distinguished benefits of gaming. The skill of multi-tasking develops from the frequent need for players to perform several different tasks at once, especially if they engage in dynamic action games. For instance, the users often find themselves in the middle of a fast-paced game here they need to keep an eye on the enemy and at the same time stay on top of the ammo, health, and other stats. In addition to that, they may also be on a call with other team members, strategizing about the next move. Staying focused in such a demanding environment helps the players perfect their multi-tasking skills and apply them in everyday life. 

    Enhances Problem-Solving and Logic

    Gaming was proven to enhance the development of problem-solving skills as well as overall logical reasoning, and one of the latest studies that confirm it was conducted in 2015 by teams from Australia and China. The researchers performed MRI scans on the brains of 27 professional gamers, which lead to the discovery that the group has more grey matter, as well as better connectivity between some subregions of the insular cortex – the section of the brain responsible for decision-making and sensory processing. In practice, this means that the individuals who actively engage in gaming enjoy improved cognitive abilities which include better logic and sharp problem-solving. Such results do not come as a surprise since many gamers opt for genres that require lots of strategic thinking and planning in order to win and stay ahead of others.